Monday, October 25, 2010


There is a boy who lives nearby in my neighborhood. I see him a few times a month on the bus going home, and he's gained quite a fondness for me. He has decided that we are fated to be together, two star crossed lovers whose lives intersect on a city bus route. 

Since the first time he saw me he has made it very known how he feels. He will always spot me without fail, sit beside me, and start chattin up a storm. Every time he sees me, he asks the same thing: 

"Will you marry me, Jenny?"

Um. My name's not Jenny. 

Don't think I haven't tried to correct him. The very first time he saw me and he meandered over, he told me he thought I was pretty. I said thank you in my socially awkward, kind of scared way. He asked if I had a boyfriend. I yelped out a "yes" immediately, though this is a lie. This is where our conversation got weird. 

Him: "Is your name Jenny?"

Me: "Uh, no. No it's not." 

Him: "Hahaha, you're so pretty Jenny."

Me: "Um."

Him: "Will you go out with me, Jenny?"

Me: "Oh, um, well, I don't think my boyfriend would like that very much..."

Him: "Oh that's fine, my wife'll be a bitch about it anyways." 

Me: "..." 

Him: "Come on... Will you marry me, Jenny?"

Me: "Uh... my name's not Jenny... "

Him: "But... But I love, you, Jenny..." 

At this point he gave me a look that was supposed to be pitiful, I think. But he just looked crazy and scary and like someone who was ready to kidnap me and turn me into a human sock puppet or a stuffed head on one of those deer trophy plaques(this may or may not have been a hyperbolic rendering of my overactive imagination). 

I decided to get off the bus five stops early. It meant I had to run the 12 blocks home in the rain, but I decided it was worth not being kidnapped and turned into a puppet. 

Since our romantic first meeting, the same guy has sat beside me on the bus every opportunity he gets. And every time, he calls me Jenny and asks me to marry him. I've stopped correcting him on my name. He's just too determined to call me Jenny. So every time I hear "Will you marry me, Jenny?", Jenny just says no and gets off the bus 12 blocks early.